Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dance Party 2k7

One of the jobs I have on campus is cleaning one of the restrooms in the guys dorm. It's not all that fun, but I try to entertain myself. I just bought an iPod Shuffle from a friend of mine who doesn't want it any more and I've loaded it up with fun, loud, and danceable music! Just after mopping the floor (for the first time) I load up a really fun song and I have a micro dance party with only myself and my reflection in the mirror. It's energizing and almost therapeutic in that it puts me in a happy mood to finish cleaning to the best of my abilities. Even though I pretty much suck at dancing, I'm still entertained by it and that's what really matters right?

1 comment:

Craig Carignan said...

You mean Marching. Your SDA, snap out of it, you don't dance.